If you feel that you are being charged a higher interest rate from your credit card company then you can always write an interest rate change letter to put forward your request. Make sure that while writing a Letter to Credit Card Company to Lower Interest Rate, you are able to put forward the reason for lowering this rate.
In this post, we have come up with a sample letter to bank manager to reduce interest rate using which you can create a personalized letter. This Credit Card Letter Format is very helpful in assisting you write your own letter.
Sample Letter to Credit Card Company to Lower Interest Rate
Richard Smith
55, Victoria Apartments
New York
Date: February 15th, 2023
The Manager
Unique Credit Company
New York
Sub: Regarding lowering of interest rate on card no. 9865 6532 3298.
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I, Richard Smith, have been using the Platinum Credit Card of your company from last eight years. Not even once it has happened that I have failed to make a payment on time and till now I was really happy and satisfied with this card until I came across an email from your company stating about the increment of the interest rates on the card.
Therefore, I am writing this letter to request you to please lower the interest rates. I am putting forward this request because I have been a loyal customer to your company and I have never delayed in making the payments and I personally feel that this increment in interest rate is going to affect the usage of your card and our association. Moreover, I am aware of the other credit cards in the market of the same level which have much lower rate of interest compared to your card. This certainly does not sound competitive.
I would be more than happy continuing with your credit card company because this association has been long and I have always been happy with your services but if the interest rates will continue to be this high then I will be compelled to switch to other companies which offer lower rates.
I would also like to request you to waive off the annual maintenance charges on the card which I am charged every year for renewal of my card as no other company is putting such charges. Moreover, one should always reward the loyal customers who make timely payments by giving them such advantages.
There have been no times when I have used the card beyond my credit limits. I have done everything possible that you expect your customers to do and therefore, I am making this request on lowering the interest rate. It would be great if you would consider my request or else terminating this card will be the only choice I will have.
I would appreciate if you could have a representative of your company connect with me at 9898989898 and notify me of your decision. Your prompt attention on the request would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Richard Smith
55, Victoria Apartments
New York
Other Related Letter Format
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Letter to Cancel Credit Account to High Bills
Letter to Bank for Credit Card Replacement
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Account Cancellation Letter Due to Non-Payment
Letter Notifying Customer about Exceeding of Credit Limit
Letter to Creditor Disputing Negative Credit Report
Letter Allowing Continuation of Credit
Request Letter to Bank for Credit Card Limit Increase