If you wish to give someone else the authority of using your credit card then writing a formal letter to the bank is an important thing to do. As a card holder, you must send in writing the complete details to the bank to enjoy uninterrupted transactions. If you have no idea as to how to write a formal authorization letter on using credit card then you have come to the right place.
Given below is the sample template of formal authorization letter to use credit card which includes the basic details. Use this example and customize it as per your needs.
Example of Authorization Letter on Using Credit Card
Radhika Sharma
15, Pearl Residency Apartments
Bani Park
Date: 1st February, 2017
Mr. Ajay Kumar
Bank Manager
State Bank of India
Bani Park, Jaipur
Sub: Authorization letter on using credit card.
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you that I, Radhika Sharma, authorize my brother, Mr. Sumit Sharma to use my credit card for transactions as and when he feels the need. Here are the details of my card:
Card Holder’s Name: Radhika Sharma
Credit Card Number: 1234 5678 1234 5678
Expiry Date: 07/21
I request you to please authorize him to use this credit card from the date of letter until 31st March, 2017. If you have any queries in this context, please feel free to get in touch with me at 9898989898.
Thanking in anticipation
Radhika Sharma
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