If you wish to have the credit card limit on your card increased then you have to write a Request Letter To Your Bank. This is a simple letter which includes your request and in order to write a perfect one, you can follow the request letter format for increase in credit card limit.
In this post, we have included the sample letter to increase credit card limit. This credit card increase letter format can be customized for creating a personalized letter that meets your requirements the best.
Format Letter to Bank for Increasing Credit Card Limit
Richard Brown
54, Robin Street
New York
Date: 09.09.22
The Bank Manager
New Finance Bank
New York
54, Robin Street
New York
Sub: Request for increasing credit card limit.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I own the credit card of your esteemed bank from last decade and I have always been a very sincere user and I have always cleared my dues on time. I am writing this letter to kindly increase the credit card limit on my card to $ 25,000.
I have taken up a new job at Zenith Technologies as a Zonal Marketing Head and my job requires me to travel across North America. Though all these trip expenses are taken care of by the company but I am compensated for the same later on and at the first place, I have to use my credit card for all the transactions on these trips. Therefore, I request you to kindly increase the limit on my credit card so that I can have hassle-free tips.
The last month statement of my card reflects that I ran out of my limit the last month because a lot of travelling was involved and it caused me a lot of trouble as managing cash during travelling is not easy.
I am hopeful that you are going to understand my situation and will approve my request to increase the card limits. I will very thankful if you could please have this request processed at the earliest.
Thanking in anticipation.
Richard Brown
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