No matter how many times you have faced interviews but every time you are going for a new one, you have to prepare yourself to make sure that you get selected. You have to work hard to ensure that you are able to deliver a strong first impression without missing on the chance you have […]
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Format of Attendance Sheet for Board Meeting
An attendance sheet of board meeting as the name states it is all about specifying the names of the persons who present a board meeting. This sheet should record the names of the board of directors of the concerned company who attend this meeting and exchanged some valuable information regarding the various concerns of the […]
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Application Format of Revaluation of Answer Sheet
Application format of re-valuation of answer sheet is mainly written in a polite way as to make a request to the concerned authority about re-checking of answer sheet due to getting unsatisfied marks. The language of the letter should meet with the sense of writing. This kind of letter should specify the important details regarding […]
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CA Final SFM Forex Notes
Globalisation of business, raising of capital from international institutions /markets has substantially increased in the last decade as compared to earlier periods. To accommodate the demands of investors and fund raisers, Foreign Financial Institutions have dramatically changed the various products through which funds are lent and new products are being introduced to meet the specific […]
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No. 13-CA (EXAM)/N/2013: In pursuance of Regulation 22 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is pleased to notify that the Intermediate (IPC) and Final examinations will be held on the dates given below at the following places provided that sufficient number of candidates offer themselves […]
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