It often happens that the account balance of some of your customers exceeds the credit limit. It is the duty of your company to inform these customers about their exceeding limits. Learn to frame a professional letter notifying the customer about the exceeding credit limit and asking them to make a quick payment. There is a professionally designed template to help you accomplish this task. Use this sample as a base and draft your own letter in a short, sweet and informative manner.
Format for Letter Notifying Customer about Exceeding of Credit Limit
James Technology,
567 Park Street
Date: 26th october, 2014
Alice Mathew
Leisure Hotels
B 15 6th Block
Jackson Street
Dear Ms. Alice,
We would like to bring your notice that as per your company’s statement, the last balance of your account shows a debit of $ 15,000. This shows that you have exceeded the credit limit of $ 30,000.
Hereby, we would appreciate if you would remit us a cheque at your earliest convenience to bring that balance within the allowed credit limits.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Gibbs
Click Here To Download Letter Notifying Customer about Exceeding of Credit Limit
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