If you feel that you are being charged a higher interest rate from your credit card company then you can always write an interest rate change letter to put forward your request. Make sure that while writing a Letter to Credit Card Company to Lower Interest Rate, you are able to put forward the reason […]
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Posts tagged with 'Credit Account'
Letter to Bank to Cancel, Suspend, or Restrict a Credit Account
If you wish to have your credit card cancelled or suspended or have the credit account restricted then you are supposed to write the letter for the same to submit your request. Writing a Sample Letter To Bank For Cancellation Of Credit Card is quite simple. All you need is a reason to make such […]
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Sample Letter to Cancel Own Credit Account due to High Bills
If you wish to cancel your credit card because of high bills then you must write a Letter to cancel own credit account due to High Bills to the credit card company. You can either write your own letter by describing the issue and requesting for cancelling the card or you can use the Credit […]
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