If there is any kind of error in your credit card bill then you can always write a letter to the bank requesting them to make the required corrections in the bill. We have come up with a sample letter to request correction in a credit card bill which you can use for writing your […]
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Posts tagged with 'Credit Card Format'
Complaint Letter to Bank for Credit Card Misuse
If your credit card has been misused then it becomes very important for you to write a Credit Card Misuse Complaint Letter to the Bank. It is very important to bring to the notice of the bank to which the credit card belongs about the transactions that have taken place. This Complaint letter to bank […]
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Sample Letter of Inquiry About the Delivery of New Credit Card
If you are expecting a new credit card to get delivered by the wait has been too long or you are too excited to receive it then it is always a good idea to write a letter of inquiry about the delivery of new credit card to the concerned bank or relationship manager. This kind […]
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Letter to Credit Card Company to Lower Interest Rate with Example
If you feel that you are being charged a higher interest rate from your credit card company then you can always write an interest rate change letter to put forward your request. Make sure that while writing a Letter to Credit Card Company to Lower Interest Rate, you are able to put forward the reason […]
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