While depositing the money in the bank using CDM, it may happen that your cash gets stuck in the machine and in such a scenario, the right thing to do is to write an application for cash stuck in CDM machine to the concerned bank to report this issue. In this post, we have come […]
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Last Complaint Letter about Rock Climbers Trespassing Property
If the rock climbers have trespassed your property then you have all the authority to write a complaint letter to them and in case you have done that in the past then you can always write a final and last complaint letter. In this post, we have come up with a format for the last […]
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Special Order Pricing Template Excel | Free Download
Special order pricing is one of the techniques adopted by various businesses in which the business owner defines the lowest price of a product. When the customer places a special order which is below the specified price by the owner, the order gets instantly rejected. For that the business has to maintain a special order […]
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Work Estimate Template for Excel Free Download
Work estimate is an important document as it gives an estimate of the work that an individual is ready to do for a company or a particular person. When the work estimate is prepared then this document also includes the cost of doing that work. The estimate template includes the description of the job along […]
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Sales Forecast Template for Small Company / Business
Every company needs some way to predict their sales for a practical and comfortable working and that’s when the importance of sales forecast template sheet comes in picture, especially for small businesses. It is a process that is used for projecting the future sales of a business. It is of extreme importance for businesses to […]
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