Date: 03.10.2013
The Assessing Officer,
ITO WD ………,
City, State, PIN.
Sub: Filing of Tax Audit Report and Income Tax Return for A.Y. 2013-14
Ref: Name of the Company
PAN : ………………..
Dear Sir,
With reference to abovementioned subject, we would like to inform you about the fact that the due date of filing of Income Tax Return for A.Y. 2013-14 was 30th September, 2013. However, due to additional requirement of first uploading the tax audit report by the auditor and then uploading the Income tax return by the Company on the Income Tax Portal, the return of the Company could not be uploaded upto the prescribed date, as the Income Tax Portal was not accepting the tax audit report due to technical reasons.
The effort of filing the tax audit report by the auditor and the income tax return by the Company was being continuously made from 04.00 p.m. onwards and till 12.00 midnight on 30th September, 2013 however the Income Tax Portal was continuously displaying an error message that ‘the server is unavailable, please try again.’
As per the information available, this technical problem was encountered by many chartered accountants and assesses in filing tax audit report and income tax return respectively.
The above technical error in the website has resulted in disabling the tax auditor of the Company in filing the tax audit report and consequently, income tax return by the Company upto 30th September, 2013. However, after continuous effort, the tax audit report and income tax return were got filed on 1st October, 2013, the acknowledgement of which is attached herewith for your kind perusal.
On the basis of above, you are requested to take on record of the fact of technical error of the Income Tax Portal, which disabled the Company to file its return on 30th September, 2013 before 12.00 midnight and therefore the said return filed on 1st October, 2013 be treated as filed on 30th September, 2013.
Yours faithfully,
For Name of the Company,
Date: 03.10.2013
Encl: Income Tax Return Acknowledgement
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