A delivery challan as its name says it is produced while delivering the ordered products to the customer. The bill is made by the product supplier, according to the purchasing order. It is a formal way to dispatch any products to the customer that serves a proof of purchasing the goods. This document should be signed by both parties and can be produced in case of any default in the products as per the company’s rule. Generally, the challan is prepared by the store department from where the product dispatching is handled.
Delivery challan contains information regarding the dispatch without ignoring the accuracy in the transaction. The document contains information, including the serial number of a challan, date of dispatch, purchase order number, customer information, product details, sales tax, other charges and the total amount. After reviewing all the details, the customer asks to sign the document to complete the process.
Here a sample is provided in word format. You can download the format and customize it as per your use.
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