If you have taken loan from your bank then repayment is a big responsibility. Sometimes you might find yourself in some financial crunch because of which you are unable to make the installments on time. In such a scenario, writing a formal letter to bank for repayment of loan is a must. It is a formal way of putting forward your request to give you some extension. Such letters have to be very precise, they should include all the necessary details as shown in the sample below.
Here is a template using which you can frame a formal letter to bank management for loan repayment stating your reasons.
Format for Letter to Bank Manager for Loan Repayment
Ramesh Gupta
6/42 Sec 3, Jawahar Nagar
Date: 14.02.17
The Bank Manager
State Bank of India,
Jawahar Nagar,
Sub: Regarding loan repayment.
Dear Sir,
I, Ramesh Gupta, am writing this letter to request you to grant me some extension for repayment of my car loan with your bank. I would like to bring to your notice that my car loan started with your bank in the year 2014 in the month of June for three years. And according to the terms and conditions, the last installment of my loan will be in the month of May, 2017. I would request you to please give me an extension period of three months to repay the loan.
I maintain a savings account with your bank from last nine years and during all these years, the track record of my banking transactions has been quite good. I have made all the repayments of my car loan on time till date but because of certain circumstances, I am presenting this request to you. Recently, my mother got operated for kidney because of which I could not focus on my work and I have heavy medical expenses to take care of. This is the reason because of which I request for the extension period so that I can repay the loan comfortably.
I am hopeful that you will consider my request and grant me some extension.
Yours sincerely,
Ramesh Gupta
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How do I write an application letter to the bank manager if I want to pay for car loan on behalf of my husband who died.
Thanks, i was looking for that sample letters
I want to re satart my car loan emi,bcz coved-19 time stoped, how to request write by email to bank managar, i m out off india.
Pls sir give any applications samples for bank managar restart my car loan emi.
I have availed a housing reality loan from bank for the period of 15 years. I was not known about the terms that construction should be done within 3 years else the rate would increase. now I am paying the EMI as fixed at the time of availing the loan from the bank regularly. Now almost 14 years have crossed. till now the bank has not communicated anything to me. now suddenly I am getting calls from the bank stating that the loan account is irregular and that I have to pay the difference. and after 14 years now the loan outstanding is more than what I availed. I have already paid 3 times of loan amount availed. can you please guide me how to represent this and move further.