If you had requested the bank to freeze your account for whatever reasons but now you wish to have it unfreezed then you have to write a request application letter for unfreezing the bank account to the bank. It is a simple letter which includes details about the bank account and your request that you wish to make.
We have come up with a template for request application letter for unfreezing the bank account. You can use this format for creating a formal draft on your own for submitting it to your bank for the same purpose.
Sample Request Application Letter to Unfreeze Bank Account
Richard Smith
54, Henry Villas
New York
Date: June 15, 2023
The Branch Manager
New Era Banks
New York
Sub: Regarding unfreezing of bank account number 123456.
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I, Richard Smith, am writing this letter in context of my savings account with your bank under the account number 123456.
On May 5th, 2023, I had submitted the request for freezing the above mentioned bank account because some unintended transactions had taken place on the account and in order to have the authorities investigate about the same, I had submitted this request. But now the matter has been resolved and therefore, I would like you to kindly unfreeze my account so that I can continue with my financial transactions.
I have enclosed with this letter the unfreeze request form with all the details as well as the KYC documents of the account. I am hopeful that you will have this request processed as soon as possible as this is my main account for carrying out my day to day financial transactions.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Richard Smith
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