For you to be standing in the business game today, you require a good credit history and rating. If there is any error in the credit report, it needs immediate attention. It has to be taken to the credit bureau for correction as soon as possible. The letter should also request the bureau to send the edited statements to everyone they sent the wrong reports to. You can enclose evidences to support the claim.
In this post are sample letter to request a correction for double billing, letter to correct a billing error, request correction of a Billing Error template and bill correction letter format.
Letter to Request a Correction for Double billing
Mr. J K Harper
01, Green Farm Bungalows,
Texas, United States of America
Date: September 28, 2022
Mr. Nate Dexter
26/105, Holden High Buildings,
Texas, United States of America
Subject: Application to request a correction for double billing
Dear Nate,
Most respectfully, I was quite astonished when I received my credit card statement today. It shows that I was billed twice for my golf club membership last month. I have only one account with the club and am only paying for my membership. I do not understand why I was billed twice. Could you please check again and let me know?
I request you to make the necessary adjustments as soon as possible so that I can settle the full amount and get it corrected with the bank.
Thank you for your help. Please do the needful as soon as you can. I will be obliged to you in this regard.
Mr. J K Harper
- Copy of the membership card
- Copy of the credit card statement
Download Letter to Request a Correction for Double billing 1 in word format