A disagreement letter on a discrepancy with funds is written as a step to solve any disagreement. The problem is to be stated clearly along with the course of action that the sender plans to take to further resolve the problem. You can enclose proof as copies of documents to support your view point.
In this post are disagreement letter format, template, write a disagreement letter and sample disagreement letter on a discrepancy with funds.
Sample Disagreement Letter on a Discrepancy with Funds
Mr. Robert Baratheon
House no. 4, Street no. 56,
Texas, United States of America
Date: August 25, 2022
The Manager
World Bank
Texas, United States of America
Subject: Disagreement on a discrepancy with funds
I was surprised when I received a letter of insufficient funds in the mail yesterday. I checked my records. The alleged day of discrepancy was July 5, 2022. On that day itself, I made a deposit around 1100 h, much before the 1500 h close of business.
I would like to set up a meeting with you to show my deposit slip and to recoup the fees that was incorrectly charged to my account.
It is the third time that the bank had made such a mistake. I hope this is the last time that this is happening.
I look forward to our meeting. I trust the bank that this problem will not arise again.
Mr. Robert Baratheon
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