There are times when you don’t want to avail some services and in such a scenario, if you have made any advance payments, you ask for the refunds of the same. For that purpose, writing a demand letter for payment to the concerned party is the right thing to do.
This post includes a sample refund letter format. You can use this demand letter format for creating your own letter.
Refund Demand Letter Template, Sample Format
Ana Smith
54, Richmond Apartments
New York
Date: February 6th, 2023
The Manager
New Housekeeping Services
New York
Sub: Demand for refund of advance payment.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I, Ana Smith, had made an advance payment to your company for the housekeeping services for my apartment in Richmond Apartments, New York. I am writing this letter to request you for the refund of the advance payment of $ 850 that was made on June 10, 2022.
This is to inform you that I am no longer require the services of your company as I am relocating to a different location and therefore, I am writing this letter to request for the refund.
I will be obliged if you could have this request and refund processed at the earliest. For any more information, please get in touch with me at 9898989898.
Ana Smith
Other Related Letter Formats
Letter to Income Tax Department for Demand Notice
GST Refund Power of Attorney Letter
Request Letter Format for GST Refund
Letter to Income Tax Department for Refund
Debit Note Sample Format in Excel