If your credit card has been misused then it becomes very important for you to write a Credit Card Misuse Complaint Letter to the Bank. It is very important to bring to the notice of the bank to which the credit card belongs about the transactions that have taken place. This Complaint letter to bank for credit card misuse should include all the details about the transactions.
To help you draft a complaint letter to bank for credit card misuse, we have come up with a format for the same that you can use for creating a personalized letter.
Format for Complaint Letter to Bank for Misuse of Credit Card
Richard Smith
54, Henry Villas
New York
Date: May 30, 2023
The Branch Manager
New Era Banks
New York
Sub: Regarding misuse of credit card.
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I, Richard Smith, am writing this letter to inform that I maintain a credit card with your bank under the account number 985632558. The credit card number is XXXX XXXX 9865.
The purpose of writing this letter to submit a formal complaint with your bank about the misuse of my credit card. Recently on May 21st, 2023, I noticed that an unintended transaction took place on my credit card of amount $ 1850. And I am very sure that I have not made any such transaction. Here are the complete details of the transaction:
Transaction ID: 9865326598
Transaction Amount: $ 1850
Transaction Date: May 21st, 2023
Transaction Time: 7:32 pm
I would like you to kindly look into the matter and please help me by reversing this particular transaction as it is a fraudulent transaction. If you need any other information on the issue then please feel to get in touch with me at 9865329865.
Thanking you for your time.
Richard Smith