If you want to close your bank account then you are required to draft a formal bank account closing letter to the concerned bank. This letter must contain all the necessary information related to your account along with details on due cheques, charges and balance amount. Learn to write a personalized professional bank account closing letter to your financial institution requesting for discontinuance of all kinds of financial services thereby marking an end to this association.
Well, here is a format to make this task easier for you. Use this template to draft your own letter.
Bank Account Closing Letter Sample
The Bank Manager
State Co-operative Bank
56 Park Avenue Street
Date: 21.06.2014
Sub: Application to close my bank account
Dear Sir,
This is to request you to please close my savings account in your bank. Please close the account the details of which have been mentioned below:
Savings Account Number: 12123
Checking Account Number: 343434
Account Holder’s Name: Marry Mathew
I request you to please send me a cheque of the remaining balance in my account. There are no due cheques to be cleared in these accounts.
In case of any queries and information, please contact me at my email address which is [email protected] or you can also call me at 0987654321.
Thanking in anticipation.
Marry Mathew
Click Here To Download Bank Account Closing Letter
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