Letter Format for Changing Email and Contact Number in Income Tax Department

It is extremely important that you have correct contact number and email submitted with Income Tax Department. If you need to have your contact details or email changed then for that you need to write a formal letter informing the department to change these details for you. Give below is a sample letter format for […]
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Sample Letter Format for Income Tax Exemption

If you feel that you can get an exemption from tax then you must always write a formal tax exemption letter that can help get the exemption. The request letter for tax exemption is a simple letter which must include the reasons because of which you feel that your tax deserves to get exempted. In […]
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Letter Format for Income Tax Officer for Correction

It is normal for humans to make mistakes but if there is a certain mistake in your income tax related documents then you must inform about the same to the income tax officer to avoid any penalties later. The Income tax letter format for corrections can be followed for writing a formal letter to income […]
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Condonation Delay Letter Format to Principal Commissioner of Income-tax

Condonation of delay is applied in case of any delay in filing the income tax return in India. If you are in such a situation then writing an application for the same is advised. You can use the letter format for condonation of delay in filing Income tax explaining the reason for the delay. Such […]
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Request Letter Format for Income Tax Certificate from Bank

Sometimes certain departments would require you to submit the certificate from bank for various reasons. Whatever be the reason, in order to get such a certificate, you need to use the request letter format. You must write an income tax certificate request letter to the bank to issue you  the required documents. In this post, […]
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