Budget Approval Request Letter is written in order to get the budget for your project or department approved from the management or supervisor. The request letter format for budget approval is quite simple but requires to be written in a professional manner. The Sample letter for budget approval also serves as a formal record of […]
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Posts tagged with 'Loan Approval'
Free Simple Loan Amortization Template for Excel
If you have taken a loan or you are planning to take one then having a loan amortization template is a must. Simple loan amortization Excel template is an extremely helpful tool to know how much repayment you need to make each and every month so that you are able to repay the principal along […]
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Loan Approval Letter Sample
Banks keep on receiving numerous loan applications. Informing the applicant about the loan approval falls under the duties of a bank manager. Well, here is a sample to make your job easier. It is a brief, formal, informative letter which informs the applicant about the approval of his loan application in a simple manner. Write […]
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