Letter to Bank Requesting to Extend the Period of Fixed-Deposit

Use this sample to write a formal letter to your bank which requests the bank to extend the period of fixed deposit. Make sure it contains all important details of your fixed deposit which includes the amount, date of fixed deposit, receipt number and date of maturity along with the period for which you want to extend it.

Here is an example which will help you write a short and informative letter which will solve your purpose to the best possible levels. Here you go…

Format for Letter to Bank Requesting to Extend the Period of Fixed-Deposit

From :

James Raymond,

512, Holiday Apartments,

20th August 2014

To :

The Manager,
National Bannk,

Dear Sir,

I have made a deposit of $ 10,000 with your bank against Fixed Deposit the details of which are as follows:

Receipt No.: 00567

Dated: 23th August 2004

Date of Maturity: 12th August 2014

I request you to please extend the period of deposit by two years. I also request you to credit the principal and the interest to my Savings Bank Account no. 30/4455 after maturity.

Please find the original copy of Fixed Deposit Receipt enclosed with the letter. Please issue a new one.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

James Raymond

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