Businesses depend on one another to know about the reputation of different companies. Learn to write formal letters with an unfavorable credit reference. This will help you inform the company that you don’t have any useful information to comment to that person or company. It is a way of making things clear so that the company can look for more sources of information.
Here is a template to help you inform the company which has come up with the need of reference. Use this sample to create a personalized letter with an unfavorable credit reference in a simple yet effective manner.
Sample Format of Letter with An Unfavourable Credit Reference
Simon Technologies
1234 Richmond Street
New York
26th August, 2014
Richard Moori
The Manager
Kenmart Computers,
52nd Park Avenue
New York
Dear Mr. Moori,
This is in response to your enquiry about Virtual Technologies. I don’t think I will be able to provide you any information about the company as I am not much aware of their working and business in the present times. I have not had a chance to have any dealings with them from last two years.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Albert Stewart
Click Here To Download Letter with An Unfavourable Credit Reference
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