It is important to have the GST number updated every where and if yours is not updated with the bank then you can always write a request letter for GST number update to bank manager asking for the needful.
This post includes a format for formal letter to request GST registration number update. This is similar to a sample letter to request GST mobile number update and by using this template, you can create a personalized letter.
Sample Letter Format for GST Number Update in Bank
Sumit Agarwal
Zenith Technologies
Green Park
Date: April 08th, 2023
The Manager
Unique Banks
Sub: Regarding updating GST number.
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I, Sumit Agarwal, am writing this letter in reference to the current account I maintain with your bank for my company. My company’s name is Zenith Technologies and has an account bearing number i235689 with your branch.
I would like to bring to your notice that the GST number of my company is not updated with your bank records and therefore, by writing this letter I would like to request you to kindly update the same to my bank account. The GST number for my company is 986532986532.
For your reference, I have attached a copy of the GST registration of Zenith Technologies with the letter. For any further information, you can call me at 9898989898.
Thanking you.
Sumit Agarwal
Other Related GST Letter Format
NOC Letter Format for GST Registration for Address Proof
GST Revocation Request Letter Format
Authorization Letter on Using Credit Card
Authorization Letter for Signing Authority to Bank
Authority Letter to Deputy Commissioner of Customs
Authority Letter Format for Service Tax Registration
No Objection Certificate for obtain GST Registration
Reply Letter Format to GST Department
GST Refund Power of Attorney Letter Format
Declaration for Authorised Signatory for GST
Request Letter Format for GST Refund