If you wish to settle your loan with the bank then you can always write a Bank Requesting for Loan Settlement NOC Letter. The NOC letter format for bank loan is supposed to include all the details related with the loan along with the request for having it cleared.
In order to help you with creating your own one such letter, we have come up with an NOC Letter Format for Bank Loan. Simply follow this Bank NOC Format, Sample which can make it a lot easier for you to create a letter that you can submit with the bank.
Format for Bank to Request for Loan Settlement NOC
Richard Brown
55, Henry Villas
New York
Date: May 16th, 2023
The Branch Manager
New York Bank
New York
Sub: Request for loan settlement NOC
Respected Sir,
I am writing this letter to request you for debt settlement and payment that is associated with my car loan with your bank for four years. As per the latest loan statement, the amount of $ 3500 has been cleared and now only the amount of $ 1200 is outstanding.
Therefore, I request you to please clear the debt on the account as I have already made the payment of $ 1200 for you to settle the debt.
The details of my bank loan are:
Loan Account Number: 123456
Opening Date: September 23, 2019
Amount: $ 4700
Please find attached with the letter the details of the payment of $ 1200 for your quick reference so that you can comfortably and quickly issue the NOC for the same. I would like to please look into the matter and have all the debts in my name cleared as soon as possible.
Looking forward for your response.
Thanking you.
Richard Brown
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