The Tax Repayment Letter carries the information of a taxpayer who wants to back his excessive amount in a certain financial year. Sometimes, taxpayers give an extra amount in their ignorance to pay their taxes, but when this thing comes to their attention, they write this type of letter to the concerned authority to bring this matter to their notice. For a conscious taxpayer, this letter is very effective things for getting his/her amount back.
Here in the sample provided below, a taxpayer requests an authority of the concerned department to examine his case and he claims the extra amount that he made in a certain financial year.
Sample of Tax Repayment Letter
If you find it difficult to write a Tax Repayment Letter, here, a sample provided to assist you.
George Thompson,
Amityville, 90011,
New York- 11702
June 04, 2011
Internal Revenue Department,
Income Tax officer,
Washington DC- 2011-90011
Dear Sir,
Sub- Application for the tax repayment
Ref- Tax Return No. 5555/ Dated March 31, 2013
I am writing this letter to notify you that I made $3000 advanced payment for the financial year 2012-13 whereas my tax amount for the same financial year should be $ 2500. I have already mentioned my tax reference number in the reference to assist you to review my case.
I request you to repay the excessive amount to me. I have submitted my all documents and information in the Revenue Service office while applying for the tax repayment.
I hope to get a positive response from you soon.
Thank You,
Yours faithfully,
George Thompson