Application for Cash Stuck in CDM Machine Example

While depositing the money in the bank using CDM, it may happen that your cash gets stuck in the machine and in such a scenario, the right thing to do is to write an application for cash stuck in CDM machine to the concerned bank to report this issue. In this post, we have come […]
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Letter to Persuade Officials to Lift Ban on Anti-Government Films

The purpose of a persuasive letter is to persuade the receiver of the letter a certain idea or request. If you want the department to lift the ban posed on the anti-government films then you can always write one such letter in order to formally persuade them. What is important in such kinds of letters […]
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Disagreement Letter on Building a New Prison

The purpose of writing a disagreement letter is to express your disagreement to someone in a formal manner i.e. by writing a letter. If you also do not agree with someone’s actions or opinions, it is wonderful to express your disagreement with the help of a letter. In this post, we have come up with […]
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Disagreement Letter about a Road Reconstruction

If you have a disagreement about a reconstruction of road then you can always write a letter to the concerned department about it. Make sure that you include the reasons for the disagreement to make your letter more meaningful. In this post, we have come up with a format for disagreement letter about a road […]
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Correct Tax Levied on Former Business Letter Format

If you have received a notice from the taxation department about the taxes levied on your former business which you feel is correct then you can always write a letter to the department informing about the same. In this post, we have come up with a format for incorrect tax levied on former business letter […]
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