Letter Instructing Bank to Make Investment

It is often not possible to be present in person to make investments or make transfers for the investment. Banks provide their customers with the convenience of making these investments by writing short and simple letters to them asking them to do the same. Instruct the bank to make investment from your account by writing a formal letter which states them to do so.

Use the template given below which consists all the useful information regarding the investment you wish to make along with your bank account details. Use this example to create your personalized letter.

Sample of Letter Instructing Bank to Make Investment

July Gems

152 Park Street

23rd June 2014

Adam Gibbs,
The Branch Manager,
National Bank,

Dear Mr. Gibbs,

RE : Investment (A/C 123456-123)

I would like to thank you for the investment suggestions you suggested. I underwent all the suggestions you had proposed and after giving them much thought, I have made a choice of investing my money in the following shares:

1000 shares of Design Today

1000 shares of Jack Technologies

500 shares of Nelson Infrastructures

I request you to please prepare all the necessary documents for the same and I shall be along to sign them on the next Friday. Also transfer the payments from the dividends directly into my A/C.

Thank You.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Jackson


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