If you are in a situation wherein you know that you will not be able to submit the documents within the time limit then it is always recommended to write a request letter for extension. The request letter to submit pending documents time extension is a simple letter which must include the amount of extension […]
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Search Results for: sample letter request for extension of time for document submission
Application Letter for Loan Date Extension
Many of us have taken loans from bank but sometimes we are unable to repay them on time because of various reasons. In such a scenario, intimating the bank of the same in a formal way by writing application letter for loan date extension is the right thing to do. With a request letter for […]
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Sample Request Letter to Seeking a Correction in Billing Error
To err is human and if your bill has an error then you can always write a formal Letter to Correct Billing Error. Instead of simply verbally highlighting the issue, it is always recommended to write a letter which clearly brings into notice the error in the bill so that it can be fixed. And […]
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Request Letter to Bank for Refund of Excess Interest Charges
If you have been charged with excess interest on your bank account then you can always write a Request Letter to Bank for Excess Interest Charges Refund. The Letter to Bank Manager for Refund of Charges is a simple letter that includes the information about your bank account along with the interest charges that have […]
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Budget Approval Request Letter Sample Format & Example
Budget Approval Request Letter is written in order to get the budget for your project or department approved from the management or supervisor. The request letter format for budget approval is quite simple but requires to be written in a professional manner. The Sample letter for budget approval also serves as a formal record of […]
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